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We are all creative.
We are all artists of some kind.

Some are better than others,

a few are geniuses,
but we all have a creative spirit.

Allow it to rise up.

Nurture it, challenge it.

Give it freedom.

Celebrate it.

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I’ve always found it easy to admire the creativity of others, especially those that are not only creative but original.

Who hasn’t yearned to write, paint, design, build or grow something that delivers to our creative senses, be they visual, kinesthetic, abstract or involving movement? I have, and I’ve tried a number of creative outlets.

Poetry – needed more time than I could give and although talking to an actual poet with four books published was exhilarating, it was daunting at the same time. Painting – low on ability factor but high on fun. Dance – loved this. Building – not a possibility. And writing is a beautiful sideline.

I can’t make anything, that’s for sure, but if creativity stars are awarded for arranging things, I’d get five. That’s why, despite everything I currently do, I’ve launched a staging company – Au Staging – to give me an outlet that helps me stay sane while helping owners add additional value to their properties.

So, whatever your talent is, give it room to shine. Discover your creative streak and enjoy what makes you unique.

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