
Comedian and Avenues columnist Chris Parker performed to a sold-out Ōtautahi audience at Little Andromeda on the weekend, with his latest show, How I Felt. Avenues culture editor Liam Stretch shares his thoughts.


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Believe it or not, a ‘review’ of a show you loved is way harder to write than one you didn’t. I’ve been staring at my laptop for some time now. Alas, I’ll just start typing and see what praise pours out of me.

It’s been about six months since I last saw Chris perform in Christchurch; I’ve always known he was a talent, but I’m pleased to say he’s continued to grow into a rather seasoned professional.

For context, this latest show was a dichotomy of sorts: a mixture of felting (poking wool with a needle until it resembles something) and comedy. One wondered how they would combine. The answer was, surprisingly well.

 Chris took to the stage like Braveheart on speed. This high-energy, tartan-wearing songbird bounced onto the stage with an 80s style ballad: an approach reminiscent of Bill Bailey and not something I’ve seen in NZ comedy for quite some time. This was perfect for getting the crowd of 90 or so warmed up for a hefty dose of wool work.

His jokes were well-placed and well-timed, and though personal, remained broad enough to not be considered niche – unlike some funny people I’ve covered in my reviewing career.

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After an initial flurry of tales and jokes, Chris began felting. I thought, ‘surely he’ll just focus on the felting?’ To my surprise, he managed to felt, while maintaining a connection with the audience and spinning some hilarious yarns.

In most circumstances, it would be considered rude to have a chat with your neighbour about the joke before you, but because of the community-spirited nature of the show, Chris bounced off these convos with the lightning-fast reactions of a brain surgeon. Everyone was covered – from boomers to Gen Z; even Gen X was not forgotten.

I will say a personal highlight for me was an anecdote about the décor in homes of the rich. I’ve never heard someone be so right about wicker balls.

 I say, job well done, Chris. I can’t wait to see where you are in another six months. Crochet?


 Follow Chris on Instagram, and Facebook. Read his latest column in Avenues here.  







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