After school viewing

 I recently discussed with a friend the television shows that have shaped us. One that we mutually agreed on was Whose Line is it Anyway. Ritualistically, I would watch it each afternoon upon my return from high school, having picked up a milkshake from the local dairy and microwaved far too many two-minute noodles. Full of sodium and lactose, I would be transported away from my day at school, no matter the events of the past six hours. The quick-witted, intelligent humour of the cast (Ryan Stiles, Colin Mochrie, Wayne Brady, and usually, Greg Proops) had me transfixed. This clever humour made me a more discerning viewer. It gave me the conviction to watch films that my peers didn’t think were in vogue and be open to media from times gone by. It expanded my palate, and I think it eventually led me to be able to review what I do today. Thanks to that, before you is a range of content filtered by yours truly. 

Liam’s pick for this month’s Culture Club can be found here.

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