True blue

For John Drew, coconut oil is the solution to many contemporary health woes – it’s a product he’s passionate about.

John Drew’s journey into the world of coconut oil began with a profound realisation during his years running a medical practice: health could be approached through food. This led him to delve deep into the properties of coconut oil.

“Coconut oil became incredibly obvious once we researched it as a tool to resolve a number of physiological presentations of concern,” he explains.

However, to integrate coconut oil into medical practice, it needed to meet medical standards, which meant refining it. Thus, Blue Coconut was born, transitioning from a garage operation in Little River to a purpose-built factory in Hornby.

Blue Coconut produces two main products: Refined Coconut Oil and Wild Virgin Organic Coconut Oil. According to John, coconut oil’s applications are vast, but its true potential lies in its unique properties that make it bio-ready for consumption.

“Coconut oil is unique because it’s largely made up of lauric acid, a type of saturated fat also found in human breast milk,” John elaborates. “This chemical composition allows it to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream, making it bio-ready for our bodies.”

He explains how lauric acid plays a crucial role in providing immediate energy to the brain, promoting satiety, and aiding in weight loss. 

“Lauric acid is immediately available to the brain, so the brain gets a free lunch and tells the liver that you don’t need to store fat. So, as a weight loss tool, there’s nothing better. And for a satiation tool, there’s nothing better because the brain has got what it needs.”

Moreover, refined coconut oil’s stability and neutral flavour make it an ideal cooking oil. John says its natural properties, like its interaction with omega-3, also enhance a meal’s health potential. 

“It’s called the friend of omega. So instead of 45 per cent of your nutritional value and fish being destroyed, either in the cooking process or in the gut, cooking it in coconut oil immediately protects it and transports effortlessly into your system for you to enjoy the nutritional value of those beautiful omega-3 products.”

For John, coconut oil represents a departure from the mindset of the past three decades. “Society is coming off a thirty-year experiment where fat was the bogeyman,” he notes. “But the body and brain actually need fat, especially saturated fat like lauric acid.”

But Blue Coconut’s impact extends beyond personal health. By sourcing coconuts exclusively from Pacific Island communities, the company supports local economies and promotes fair trade practices. Proceeds from the sale of Blue Coconut Oil contribute to initiatives that improve village health and education across the Pacific Islands. 

“With each jar of coconut oil purchased, consumers not only enhance their own health but also contribute to the wellbeing of communities across the Pacific.”

In addition to its culinary and community benefits, coconut oil serves as a versatile topical treatment, possessing antibacterial and antifungal properties. “It’s great for gardening as simply wiping it on your hands gets rid of any soil nasties,” John remarks, “and it’s an effective makeup remover.”

John is a steadfast champion of the benefits of coconut oil; he hopes consumers will also embrace them.

Liam Stretch